CoursePlease watch this course and take the quiz with an 80% passing rate. In order to take the quiz for free, become a GHI member and access the CEU discount code for this course and all others!
The State of Net Zero Housing 2023: Inventory of Zero Report
CoursePlease watch this course and take the quiz with an 80% passing rate. In order to take the quiz for free, become a GHI member and access the CEU discount code for this course and all others!
All about DOE Zero Energy Ready v2
CoursePlease watch this course and take the quiz with an 80% passing rate. In order to take the quiz for free, become a GHI member and access the CEU discount code for this course and all others!
The Joys of Induction Cooking
CoursePlease watch this course and take the quiz with an 80% passing rate. In order to take the quiz for free, become a GHI member and access the CEU discount code for this course and all others!
Capturing real estate agent/buyer attention in high performance homes
CoursePlease watch this course and take the quiz with an 80% passing rate. In order to take the quiz for free, become a GHI member and access the CEU discount code for this course and all others!
Understanding the IRA Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credit
CoursePlease watch this course and take the quiz with an 80% passing rate. In order to take the quiz for free, become a GHI member and access the CEU discount code for this course and all others!