Humidification Strategies for Residential Health
CoursePlease watch this course and take the quiz with an 80% passing rate. In order to take the quiz for free, become a GHI member and access the CEU discount code for this course and all others!
Why use the Certified Water Rating Index (WRI)?
CoursePlease watch this course and take the quiz with an 80% passing rate. In order to take the quiz for free, become a GHI member and access the CEU discount code for this course and all others!
Take Control of your Energy Future - Zero Energy Multifamily Housing
CoursePlease watch this course and take the quiz with an 80% passing rate. In order to take the quiz for free, become a GHI member and access the CEU discount code for this course and all others!
Basics of Residential Green Building 7 Part Series
BundleJoin us as we discuss how to incorporate the 5 pillars of green building into any project type. Gain more knowledge of what's new in the residential sector and where we are headed regarding energy, health, materials, water and place.
Certified GreenHome Professional Designation
Chemical Product Emissions Emerging as Urban VOCS
CoursePlease watch this course and take the quiz with an 80% passing rate. In order to take the quiz for free, become a GHI member and access the CEU discount code for this course and all others!